I have a diet in place as well. "Taste Everything, Eat Nothing." BF. KIDDING!
6 Small Meals/Day:
Breakfast - Oatmeal/Banana or 1 piece of toast w/PB
Snack- Handful of Nuts
Lunch - Salad w/protein (chicken, tuna, turkey)
Snack- Apple
Dinner - Vegetables and a Protein
Snack - Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.)
It's very important to remember when your figuring out portions that they are no bigger than what you can fit in your hand. What I really should be doing is weighing out all of my food but I don't have time for that and I'd like to meet someone who does. So when you go to grab a snack, the point is 1 handful. That's it. No more. And as for lunch and dinner I'm not scooping tuna or clutching on to a piece of raw chicken (that would be hot tho) its called judgement. If it looks like a lot, then it probably is:) I also try to replace a meal per day with a smoothie:)
Last and certainly not least is WATER. I consume so much water I should be wearing a diapper. I pee every 20 minutes. TMI? Good.
This is the best thing ever created in the world of water bottles. It's fact that with a Camelbac you consume TWICE as much water in a day! I did a study on myself to prove this. I typically use a Nalgene with one of the large/oversized tops and I would maybe drink 2 per day, 3 if I was lucky. Ever since I invested in the Camlebaks I drink at least 9 of them per day. They're amazing. I suggest getting a few you will not be disappointed:)

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